From the Belfast Telegraph today...
The coroner is set to hear how a Catholic drug dealer was gunned down by a loyalist gang after being lured to north Belfast with the promise of a cocaine deal.
Did they really just say "Catholic drug dealer?" Yes, they did and it doesn't appear to be a mistake.
The actual shooting occurred way back in 2001, but the text of the article just kills me. They describe the shooting as a "horrific murder" by "heartless thugs" of a "34-year-old dad-of-two", like he was some kind of saint spreading god's word, not distributing cocaine. I guess if in some future re-mistranslation of the bible, "god's word" becomes "methamphetamines" then this guy might actually become a saint. However, until that happens, he was a low-life drug dealer, destroying people's lives for his own personal selfish gain, period.
Disclaimer: GodMocker does not in any way endorse murder of anyone, regardless their faults. If you know of a Catholic drug dealer (or any drug dealer for that matter), take the moral high road and report your information to the appropriate authorities and let the legal system handle it. If the legal system refuses or fails, use the press.
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