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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Christian Pastor Brutally Murders Thief

Sicelo Dludlu, Pastor of the Church of God Ministries in Swaziland beat a 21 year old boy who admitted to stealing money from the pastor's house with sticks ultimately resulting in the boys death.

When he repented and converted to Christianity Pastor Dludlu confessed to numerous members of the community that he was guilty of adultery as he had slept with their wives and had thus begged for their forgiveness.

"I still cannot comprehend how he lost his cool towards my son, soon forgetting how I had forgiven him when he confessed that he had also committed adultery with my wife," said Maseko. He added: "I would have expected him to discipline my son and not kill because I thought the nature of our relationship was based on forgiveness."

The story makes no suggestions about the pastor being charged with any crimes, but does state that "some members of the local community police" where apparently bystanders during the act.

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