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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Texas Christian Accused of Murder

Brian White of Humble, Texas pleaded innocent on Monday for beating a stranger to death with a rock in New Jersey.

White is accused of murdering a stranger, Michail Makarenko, 75, of Virginia by pummeling him with a rock after the victim refused to buy a religious CD from him. The incident took place at the James Fenimore Cooper Service Area on the New Jersey Turnpike in Mount Laurel in March.

State police have said White, a disc jockey, appears to have mental health issues. The CD was a Christian recording.

Christian apologists will be quick to point out the mental health issues as the reason for the attack and that Brian's Christian beliefs have nothing to do with it. I ask however, where was god's moral guidance that Christians claim to own when this Christian was picking up the rock?

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